Kuu Kuu Harajuku is the new animated series inspired by Gwen Stefani. It features the Harajuku Girls (Love, Angel, Music and Baby) and follows their adventures in Harajuku World. |
Kuu Kuu Harajuku is the new animated series inspired by Gwen Stefani. It features the Harajuku Girls (Love, Angel, Music and Baby) and follows their adventures in Harajuku World.
Together the girls form the talented band, HJ5, however every gig they book seems to get interrupted before they can ever actually play. Thanks to their adorable but hopeless manager Rudie, angry aliens, NoFun politicians, hungry monster pets, and whole bunch of other things, the girls never get to complete a concert. The series is a collision of cultures, a kaleidoscope of music, fashion and style and ensures to be super Kawaii. A Kreo Films FZ-LLC project. Cast & Credits Cast: Charlotte Nicdao, Daisy Masterman, Emma Taylor-Isherwood & Sally Taylor-Isherwood Executive Producer: Gwen Stefani Genre: Animated Series
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